What we offer
Private & Semi-Private Training
What to Expect:
Starting with a private assessment, we will discuss your health history, your training goals, and potential training schedule. We also discuss The ATC Fitness approach to strength training, and conduct a Functional Movement Screen to get a baseline of your movement quality. An individualized program specific to your body, fitness level, and goals will then be created based on our findings.
Private training is one-on-one, just you and me. In a semi-private environment, there may be as many as eight clients training at once, but typically it’s no more than four to six at one time. Training alongside your peers creates a great camaraderie with positive encouragement from all the members. Many of my clients have developed great friendships at ATC. Our center facilitates a confident training environment where you can push yourself and be inspired by others to reach new level of fitness, and have great fun doing it.
“I cannot say enough wonderful things about Leo and his gym, ATC Fitness. I am turning 55 this week and am in about the best shape I've ever been in. I have great strength, mobility, and endurance. I've been taking the Slow And Steady Wins The Race approach. Nothing fadzy. No gimmicks. For the past four years, I've simply been showing up and doing what Leo tells me to do. Of course, I do it to the best of my ability. Who wouldn't want to work hard for a great coach? I have great energy levels and have maintained a healthy weight without dieting, just eating well. Leo, thank you!”
— Mye, Muscular Therapist, 55
One-Time Consultation
Whether due to time or distance constraints, not everyone can train regularly at the ATC Center. In these instances, you may prefer a one-time consultation. This meeting includes the FMS screen and may include fitness testing or skill coaching. You may be provided with a customized program to be performed remotely and return every six to eight weeks for reassessment.
“Hit 211 on the scale today. A “new” low for me since starting at ATC. This is the type of encouragement that keeps me motivated to press on to the next fast, the next lift, the next good dietary decision. Further, stepping back, this wasn’t an overnight phenomenon. I didn’t lose 27 pounds in a week. I didn’t formulate my diet around an unrealistic, restrictive, nearly impossible to maintain premise. It was a slow, controlled, and effective process. It works. Thanks.”
— Jason, 47
Nutrition Consultation
Changing your body composition, optimizing your health, and performing your best requires proper nutrition. ATC can help you maximize your nutrition plan to meet your own dietary needs.